Account help

How to activate a card, find your BSB, choose a PIN online, set up eStatements and other ways to bank.

Complaints & Feedback
At Heritage, our aim is always to provide you with a great banking experience. But we know that things may not always go to plan. 
Financial Hardship
Heritage understands that life can take unexpected turns. We have policies and processes in place to assist our members facing financial hardship.
Internet banking help centre

A complete range of how to's and step-by-step guides to help you with your internet banking at Heritage.


Find our entire range of forms here from personal and business products, to updating and accessing your personal details.

Financial abuse
Understanding financial abuse and being able to recognise the signs, can help protect you and your loved ones.
Scam alerts & fraud protection
Fight scammers with our help. Learn how we protect you from fraud and become savvy at identifying scams with our help guides and security tips.

Our brochures provide up to date information about our products in one spot. You can find them all here.


We've put together a library of frequently asked questions and answers to help you with your entire banking experience. 

These articles may help you

A Power of Attorney (POA) allows you to appoint someone you trust to act on your behalf in certain situations and can include managing your financial affairs.
When you apply for credit, your lender may seek your permission to check your credit report. But what is a credit report and how is it used? 
Keeping your personal information secure online is important. Here are 10 quick tips to remember.

We're committed to helping our customers through good times, and times of hardship, with genuine service and support. 

If you have any questions and would like to talk to us today, tap here for live assistance.